Monday, January 30, 2012

Craigslist Schmaigslist

So I just went on Craigslist, a normal brain occupying activity for my alone time. I happily realized that my Craigslist scouring is dramatically different from a few months ago. In the fall of this year, I searched for anything and everything. Apartments, furniture for my non-existent apartment, jobs, hobbies, pets, life answers, etc. It was always so intriguing. Today, not having spent much time alone lately, I clicked onto C-list High normal, expecting to get at minimum an hour or so of good scouring/life pondering.

Turns out, I must be a little more satisfied with life nowadays because I was done in 3 minutes, realizing that I don't need anything at the moment. I now have a great job and a strange little cabin, but a cabin at that...and I'm very content. I even have plans. Woah.. In about six months or so, I will be moving into a far superior cabin with plumbing(!) and my boyfriend(!!!) and his dog(!)

We don't normally look this nice and/or clean, just FYI.

 Now, about the only thing I can think to search for is a babysitting job to hopefully cure this sudden baby fever. This is the first job I've had not working with kids, so that may be part of it. Anyway, it's completely hormonal and very annoying. I have some idea of how I want my life to play out and it does not involve kids for quite some time. So please, hormones, be quiet so I can concentrate. Thanks.

For now, I'll just continue on with the simple life, spending my days in a snow globe.

1 comment:

  1. LINDSAY! I'm so happy you've started a blog! That's an adorable cabin! You can come babysit Evelyn any time you like :)
