Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Friend Further West

I lived for some time just outside of Seattle in the biggest and most beautiful home I will probably ever live in. It was all hand built by it's owners, who rented it out to 6 random people who turned into a great little community. I loved living there and I loved my housemates. I wish I had a picture of the house for you, but all I can seem to find is the beginning of this mural we painted on our wall one rainy day..

One thing I miss most about Seattle is live music

My roommate and friend, Jake Hemming, is an incredible musician. Not only that...he is an incredible person who taught me things like how to love life, how to appreciate what you're given, and most of all how to give your heart to everyone around you. He turned our dysfunctional household into a family. He is one of the most genuine people I have ever met. If you get a chance to meet him one day, I highly suggest doing so.

Anyway, he sings sad songs but they are beautiful and he is so talented!

Watch this video: Big Sur-Their Honeymoon


  1. wow, what a pretty song!
    lets go to seattle someday...wait, how have we never talked about this before?!

  2. so cool! my brother is being stationed in ft. lewis (45 min. south of seattle) and i'm determined to get out thre before he's deployed, which will probably be this summer...
