Sunday, January 29, 2012

Change of Pace

I had close to the entire day to myself today. That equates to a laaa-hot of time realizing what a strange  creature I have become in my twenties.

My general routine to get back to myself, feel balanced involves the following:
laundry and cleaning (normal, right?) then followed by nail painting, candle lighting...
attempts at self-structured yoga which for some reason turn into very interesting interpretive dances. eating significant amounts of vegetables and hummus, hours on Pinterest.
And writing in my journal-which has brought me to the idea of blogging. (Although sometimes nothing feels better than pen on paper, this is much faster and is less tiring for my right hand.) 
One of my favorite people in this world and longtime roommate, Liz Fraley, left this weekend for a ten month commitment to Americorps. I am extremely happy for her and admire her ever-adventurous spirit, I can't help but feel melancholy.

She left me this as the background on my computer. What a nice present!
Today is Sunday, which is my normal "date day"with my boyfriend. We wake up decently early, make breakfast, go snowboarding, and spend the day (if possible) with no contact to the real world or other people. Our friends are ridiculously social beings, however, and sometimes squeeze their way into our dates. Anyway, I am normally SO excited for Sundays. I wait all week to spend the day with the man I love.

Today, we woke up a little later than normal and I got dressed for snowboarding as slow as humanly possible. Jon, always fully aware of everything (usually more aware of how I'm feeling than I am), asked if I was okay and if I still wanted to go to A-Basin this morning. I broke down, unable to respond but finally got out a few words, "I want Liz back." Liz is the reason I came out to Colorado and most of the reason I am somewhat sane today. I will miss her dearly but have no doubt that we will have adventures again in the future...because our adventures so far have been epic!

Follow her at for what I'm sure will be an unforgettable chapter in her life.  I can also guarantee you a few laughs. She's a funny girl.

On the highest point at Sand Dune Nat'l Park on our post-summer 2011 road trip.

At the top of Sugar Loaf in the Fall of our freshman year in college in 
Winona, MN, where we did the majority of our growing into actual people.


  1. yes, yes I like this! Cant wait to keep tabs on everyone through the eyes of Lindsay Knott!
